Rumer Willis‘s latest snapshot will make you green with vacation envy. The actress, 32, shared a photo from her summer vacation in Greece with mom Demi Moore and younger sisters Tallulah, 27, and Scout, 29, on Instagram on July 8. Rumer donned a stylish retro green bikini and sunglasses with peach-toned frames in the pic shared on Thursday, finishing the look with a messy vacation top bun.
Rumer shared the details of her look by tagging the brands. The green bikini is from Italian swimwear brand FISCH, a label that creates their products with regenerated fishing nets, and the sunglasses are from Australian eyewear brand Oscar and Frank. As for Rumer’s very good genes, those come courtesy of mom Demi, 58, and dad Bruce Willis.
Rumer’s famous mom Demi also shared a snapshot from the family vacation on Instagram on July 7, rocking an equally-stylish neon yellow one-piece swimsuit. The Ghost actress paired the swimwear with a colorful shawl with hints of yellow to match and some sunglasses. As for Demi’s swimsuit, it’s from the brand Andie Swim.
The swimwear brand unveiled a new summer campaign on July 6 led by the actress and daughters Rumer, Tallulah, and Scout. Demi, an investor and advisor for Andie Swim, and the girls model a series of the brand’s new summer products. Demi announced the campaign on her Instagram on Tuesday — and gushed about working alongside her daughters.
She shared a snapshot of the foursome and captioned the post, “Over the past year, connection has become more crucial than ever. I’ve been a supporter of @AndieSwim from the beginning as an investor, and now, more than ever, felt like a perfect time to join them in welcoming a summer of freedom and togetherness.” Demi continued, “It was important to me to include my daughters in this campaign, and I hope others seize opportunities in their lives to create meaningful connections and celebrate every moment with the people they love.”
Rumer also shared some snapshots from the campaign on her Instagram on Tuesday, gushing over the ability to work with her mom and sisters. “So excited to share the campaign we did with @andieswim,” she wrote, adding, “And getting to share this with the incredible women in my family was a dream come true.”
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