Channing Tatum showed off his bod during a beach trip with daughter Everly. The actor, 41, shared a snapshot from the outing on Instagram on June 24 and looked incredibly ripped. Channing also penned a sweet caption that gushed about Everly, 8, whom he shares with ex-wife Jenna Dewan, calling his daughter “my world and my heart.”
The daddy-daughter duo stand on some sand against a scenic beach backdrop in the Instagram photo. While Channing smiles directly at the camera, little Everly is gazing up. The Magic Mike actor explained in the caption that she was moon gazing.
“You were looking at the full moon in this pic and telling me the prophecy of the full moon mermaid and then we ran into the water and looked for her and played with glow sticks in the night water calling out to the mermaids,” Channing captioned the post. “you said you touched a bald headed mermaid and saw a tail. Haha one day you will read this and i hope laugh.”
Channing and Jenna welcomed Everly in June 2013. After nine years of marriage, the couple announced their split in April 2018. The decision seemed amicable; Jenna and Channing released a joint statement at the time that read, in part: “We have lovingly chosen to separate as a couple… Absolutely nothing has changed about how much we love one another, but love is a beautiful adventure that is taking us on different paths for now.”
The couple added that they “are still a family” and “will always be loving dedicated parents to Everly.” The dedication has been apparent. In May, Channing released his debut children’s book The One and Only Sparkella, inspired by his very own daughter. In an interview with People on May 5, Channing talked about how it came to be. “It wasn’t like I had this giant idea that I wanted to write a kids’ book,” he said. “It was just something that I noticed in my daughter, watching her for the very first time become self-conscious.”
“She would wear a cape that, when you held your arms out, you [looked like] a slice of watermelon; and it was one of her favorites,” he continued. “But she didn’t want to wear it to school, and when I asked her why, she said, ‘I don’t want to get made fun of.’ So I wanted to make this little story about this girl who is very unique and really likes to shine.” Cue the awwws.
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