Charli D’Amelio has had a wild year and a half after consistently going viral on TikTok and garnering over 115.3 million followers on the video app. The social media star has extended her fame into a podcast, a clothing line and major partnerships, like one with her personal fave, Dunkin’ Donuts. Charli spoke to EXCLUSIVELY about her and her sister Dixie‘s new clothing brand, Social Tourist, and also dished on how others can find fame on TikTok! “Just be yourself and stay true to what you believe in!” she told HL.
The 17-year-old opened up a bit more about her social media fame on Dixie’s YouTube Talk Show, Late Night Show, and the darker side of it. “I feel like when you have opportunities that are so amazing, but an entire world of critiques for your every move, it’s very difficult to find enjoyment in things that are being torn down so much,” Charli told her sister. “It’s extremely difficult to want to continue doing something that people say how much they hate.”
She also added that she felt like she hasn’t found her “thing” yet, saying, “It’s just difficult because as difficult as it is to try something that no one else has done, it’s like, I would rather search for that than try to compete with my friends. But it’s definitely difficult, I don’t want to have bad blood with anyone.”
Still, the young star continues to take her own advice and be herself, despite the trolls! She also revealed to HL the highlight of her career, so far! “It’s hard to pick just one. Winning the KCA felt like a dream and was super special to me since my supporters are the ones who voted for me to win,” Charli said. “Also, just being able to go through this journey with my family by my side makes everything more exciting.”
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