Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra looked so loved up as they walked the BAFTAs red carpet! The couple were all smiles as they arrived at the 74th British Academy Film Awards, held in London on April 11. The 38-year-old actress, who presented an award during the show, rocked a daring, pink floral Pertegaz blouse, which featured a slit down the middle. She paired the top with a high-waisted white skirt, which featured a wide black waistband. The actress accessorized with black pumps and a blue statement necklace as she styled her hair in a high ponytail with curtain bangs.
The Jonas Brothers rocker, 28, opted for a traditional black tux, as he posed alongside his leading lady. “Been a while since we were on one of these… @priyankachopra #bafta,” Nick captioned an Instagram post, which featured a video of Priyanka smiling on the red carpet, in front of the doors at the Royal Albert Hall, where the BAFTAs was held. Bridgerton star Phoebe Dynevor, singer Corinne Bailey Rae and actress Anna Kendrick were among the other attendants at the awards show. Although there was an IRL red carpet, the award winners accepted their honors remotely, amid strict COVID-19 guidelines in the UK.
Fans of Nick and Priyanka couldn’t believe how incredible the loved-up pair looked, as they packed on the PDA on the red carpet. Of course, fans would recall the awards came just weeks after Nick revealed he was “ready” for parenthood with his gorgeous wife. On the March 16 episode of Zane Lowe‘s Apple Music podcast, Nick revealed, “Of course. That is certainly something we’re both looking forward to. And know that it’ll happen when it’s supposed to and we’re ready for that.”
Nick continued, “I think that being friends first really helped. There was a built-in trust because we knew each other first as friends and you’ve got to be best friends with your person for it, I think, to work.” The “Spaceman” singer added, “Once we really gave it a real shot it was a no-brainer. It was just like, oh … I have said this before, but I describe it as there just being an unimaginable peace that surrounded me and the whole situation that just kind of let me know it was the right thing.”
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