Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner looked like twins in their latest Instagram pic. The 23-year-old took to social media on April 3 to share a snap of herself and her big sis while sunbathing in Palm Springs. “as we should,” Kylie captioned the carousel post which showed her and Kim laying back on beiege sun chairs. Kylie rocked a brown bikini while Kim donned a black two-piece swimsuit. Both girls closed their eyes and pushed their raven tresses to one side, as they ‘smized’ for the sizzling snap.
Just one day prior, Kylie shared a clip of her daughter Stormi Webster and her cousin / BFF True Thompson. The daughter of Khloe Kardashian, 36, is also celebrating the Easter weekend with the KarJenner family in Palm Springs, and the Kylie Cosmetics mogul posted a sweet video of the duo holding hands while going for a stroll. The two toddlers wore sundresses and swayed to the music as they walked together down a path. True wore a pink, blue and green pastel dress while Kylie dressed her mini-me in a bright, multicolored dress with a zig-zag pattern. “These two,” she captioned the post.
Earlier in the day, both of their moms shared sizzling snaps of themselves in bright bikinis as they soaked up the March sunshine. Kylie shared two snaps of herself in a gorgeous, yellow swimsuit. In the first post, she stood outside, in front of a glass door while wearing the two-piece swimsuit, which featured a halter top and a white thick bracelet. “it’s the weekend,” she captioned the pics. The second snap showed her wearing the same bikini in a close-up shot of her abs. She captioned those with a simple banana emoji.
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