Snoop Dogg dressed up as a beloved Toy Story character for his granddaughter Cordoba‘s 2nd birthday party — and the photos are priceless. The rapper took to Instagram on March 24 to share a snap of himself in an inflatable Buzz Lightyear costume, from the popular Pixar movie franchise. “Grandpa buzz light,” he captioned the pic, which showed him rocking the blow up suit and white sneakers. He took to his Instagram Story to share a clip of himself smoking while in costume, and could be heard saying, “Buzz light.. I’m buzz heavy baby.”
The “Drop It Like It’s Hot” hitmaker also shared a pic of himself posing outdoors, while holding a huge Buzz Lightyear balloon. His mini-me granddaughter could be seen in the foreground rocking a white graphic tee which read, ‘Paris’, along with an oversized, hot pink fur coat. “Buzz light for my granddaughter’s. 2nd. C. Day,” Snoop captioned the post. “ICONIC MOMENT IN HISTORY,” one fan commented, while another joked that Snoop was a, “legend for this.”
An additional post showed the family singing Happy Birthday to little Cordoba as she rocked the chic pink coat, black and white pants, and matching pink sneakers. What a fashionista! Snoop most recently made headlines after clapping back at fellow rapper Eminem, who dissed him on his new track “Zeus.” He eft a comment on an Eminem fan page’s IG post, which shared clips of Eminem explaining why he called out Snoop by name on his new song, which was released on his his Music to be Murdered By album. “Pray I don’t answer that soft ass s***,” he wrote, alongside a series of laughing emojis.
Eminem told fans that he decided to name drop Snoop after he had released a list of the 10 greatest rappers of all time — and Eminem wasn’t on it. In the third verse, Em rapped, “Diplomatic as I’m trying to be, last thing I need is Snoop doggin’ me, man, dogg, you was like a God to me, nah, not really, I had “dog” backwards, but I’m starting to think, all these people takin’ shots at me, s***, it’s no wonder.”
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