Kourtney Kardashian turned her bed into the runway for her latest Instagram post. In the selfies shared on March 7, the 41-year-old Poosh blogger posed on her bed while rocking a cutout midi dress featuring a built-in bra from the Italian fashion powerhouse Roberto Cavalli. With wispy sleeves and lace detailing along the bra, Kourtney’s look was like ’90s gothic grunge meets chic yachting attire.
The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star kept the black theme going with platform heels from Tom Ford that reminded us of a Bratz Doll. Kourtney appeared to have gotten her dress from the Janet Mandell showroom, which her stylist Dani Michelle tagged in a repost of the outfit. The showroom is currently renting out the Roberto Cavalli piece for $350 over a seven-day period!
Kourtney’s long mermaid extensions, courtesy of hairstylist Glen Coco, were also on for these glamour photos (a much different look than the highlighter blonde hair she wore as a teenager). And celebrity makeup artist Tonya Brewer gave Kourtney the classic Los Angeles “It” girl look — plump nude lips, bronzy cheeks and smoked-out eyes — to top off the beauty look.
Kourtney has been wowing her 113 million Instagram fans with one amazing photo after another as of late! The mother of three channeled just as much hotness in this photo of herself rocking a cheeky red bikini at a lake, and in this mirror selfie in which Kourt stunned in a one-piece black swimsuit.
In addition to maintaining an enviable Instagram feed and running Poosh, Kourtney has been enjoying her new romance with friend-turned-lover Travis Barker. “He just finally made a move and that’s how things went to the next level. He couldn’t hide it anymore,” a source close to Kourtney EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife. Right now, though, the relationship “is still nothing too serious at this point”; instead, Kourtney and Travis are “exploring taking things from a friendship to a romantic relationship right now,” our insider said.
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