Kendall Jenner‘s latest bikini video is causing criticism from some online followers after one page claimed she photoshopped her waist. The 25-year-old model took to her Instagram story to share a new clip of herself kneeling on a bathroom floor and posing in the white swimsuit, which had colored patterns on it, and although she looked flawless, the Instagram page, @celebplastic, pointed out what they called a “photoshop fail.”
In the repost, the user showed how a piece of Kendall’s waist on her left side seemed to appear and then disappear for less than a second, suggesting she made that part of her frame thinner than it really is. “Kendall Jenner’s most recent photoshop fail. her stomach & belly button glitch because she was using a body filter. this is so heartbreaking,” the caption for the repost read. “she has one of the most toned & fit bodies I’ve ever seen and she still uses editors. it’s really sad.”
Another account called @igfamousbydana also reposted the video and comparison with a lengthy caption about how “unfortunate” it is that Kendall allegedly chose to use a body filter.
“We know the #Kardashians use body filters when posting videos – Here’s Kendall’s body filter glitching,” the caption read. “It’s unfortunate that she’s editing a smaller waist and removing the normal curve that happens when sitting (even if you’re skinny or a supermodel) contributing to unrealistic standards and expectations of what human bodies look like.
Kendall is so gorgeous, and this is so unnecessary,” the user added. “Do better, @kendalljenner.
This isn’t the first time Kendall has been accused of using photoshop on one of her social media photos. The dark-haired beauty got attention in 2018 for seemingly altering her stomach area in a topless photo that showed her sitting on a sink with a towel wrapped around her head and wearing underwear. Followers noticed that the wall in the pic seemed to slightly wave in which is what a photo editing app can do when flattening out areas.
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