Jungkook of BTS left fans swooning after sharing a new selfie to the official BTS Twitter account. In the January 24 post, Jungkook took over the South Korean boy band’s social media to share his brand new look, which featured the singer sporting fresh new blonde locks. Fans could just glimpse Jungkook’s darker roots in the snap, but they totally fawned over his fresh cut and style. Just check out the before and after pics below!
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) January 25, 2021
“Seeing you brightens up the day,” one fan loving commented on the image. Another person chimed in to say, “You are the reason why many people are smiling right now, JK, I hope you are always happy and feeling loved,” they said, adding a heart emoji. “Always remember that you have ARMY, we are always with you, we will always be with you, no matter what happens. Thank you for existing in our lives! Youre [SIC] shining!”
It’s no secret that fans absolutely adore BTS, and Army members have always been so dedicated when it comes to staying in-the-know about what the group is up to. Fans had a major reason to celebrate their favorite boy band on January 21, when the members of BTS learned that they would have a front row seat to the newest Louis Vuitton collection by Virgil Abloh showcase! “[BTS] for #LVMenF21,” the video’s caption read, which featured the group receiving the coveted invites. “BTS receives their invitations to watch Virgil Abloh’s upcoming presentation. Watch live on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 2:30 p.m.”
In the 30-second video, Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope, Jimin, V and Jungkook were gifted personalized coffee cups featuring the Louis Vuitton emblem on them! Fans were so thrilled for the members of BTS, and quickly began to speculate whether the invite meant a collaboration between the beloved band and fashion house was on the way. “Guys do you even realize that we might get BTS as models for Louis Vuitton?” one fan tweeted.
The Army has absolutely loved seeing BTS flourish this year, despite all of the difficult circumstances facing everyone across the globe amid the coronavirus pandemic. The group’s song “Dynamite” has become a chart-topping hit. Thanks to the dedication of the Army, there’s undoubtedly more in store for BTS in 2021!
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