Tracee Ellis Ross treated her 10 million Instagram followers to a couple of bikini photos on Thursday, January 14. The black-ish star, 48, shared two throwback bikini candids from a pre-coronavirus tropical vacation. Tracee, who’s pictured during a daytime swim, rocked the heck out of a red and black cheetah-print bikini. Her toned tummy and tight arms are clearly visible in the solo shots — and that was before she started the Tracy Anderson Method fitness program at the end of December.
“When I used to fly places… pretty places. Away from home,” she wrote in the caption of her post, which has since expired, via Instagram Stories. Luckily, loyal fans were able to somehow obtain the sexy snaps. (And for that, we thank you!) It’s unclear where exactly Tracee vacationed and when, but she was living her best life under the sun. Here’s to hoping she’ll reminisce over more beach getaways so we gush about her glowing beauty!
On January 14, Tracee took to Instagram to discuss a more serious subject — the recent riots at the Capitol and continued unrest in America. The Emmy-nominated actress spoke emotional struggles and fear that stems from the state of the world in a two-minute video.
“There’s been a lot of emotions and feelings to process over the last several days, on top of everything else we’ve been dealing with in our homes, our communities, and our world,” she wrote in her caption. “Just wanted share a gentle reminder to take a moment, take some deep breaths, put down all the ‘stuff’ you’ve been carrying & love on yourself. I’m reminding myself too.”
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