Former Disney Channel star Demi Lovato has revealed she is recovering from disordered eating habits. The 28-year-old took to Instagram on December 25, sharing a candid post which featured a series of photos of her stretch marks. “I used to genuinely believe recovery from an eating disorder wasn’t real. That everyone was faking or secretly relapsing behind closed doors. ‘Surely she throws up here and there’, ‘she can’t POSSIBLY accept her cellulite’… those we’re just a few of the things that I used to tell myself growing up,” Demi began her lengthy caption.
The “Confident” singer continued, “I’m so grateful that I can honestly say for the first time in my life – my dietitian looked at me and said ‘This is what eating disorder recovery looks like.’ In honor of my gratitude for the place I’m in today, this was a lil shoot I did by myself in quarantine this summer when I wanted to celebrate my stretch marks instead of being ashamed of them.” Demi said she painted glitter on her upper thighs to “celebrate: her stretch marks. “This year was tough.. be gentle on yourself if you slip up and remember to get right back on track because you’re WORTH THE MIRACLE OF RECOVERY. I LOVE YOU.”
Thousands of fans jumped into the comments section to thank the singer for being so candid about her recovery. “You are such an inspiration to ME and so many others. Thank you for being such an influence for so many of us to love our beautiful bodies!! You look HAWTTT!!” one follower wrote, while another commented, “You’re an incredible human being. Strong and beautiful inside and out.”
It comes just days after she debuted a total hair makeover, switching up her long brunette locks for a short blonde ‘do with a slight buzz cut. The 2020 People Choice Awards host credited the cut and color to Los Angeles stylist Amber Maynard Bolt, who shared one of the photos of Demi’s new look to her Instagram account. The master stylist wrote, “CHANGE. Got to do something really special for this one @ddlovato.”
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