Upon arriving in Los Angeles, during one of the final two episodes of this season’s Don’t Be Tardy, Kim Zolciak, husband Kroy Biermann, and their daughters, Brielle, 23, and Ariana, 19, went to see their long distance psychic Natalie. Natalie not only predicted Kim would marry Kroy, but she also predicted that Kim would get pregnant with KJ and later birth twins. All of that obviously happened, so Kim was excited to reunite with Natalie.
But this time around, Kim didn’t love what Natalie told her. Especially because it had to do with Ariana, who wasn’t in the room at the time. “Out of all your children, Ariana’s going to be a very sexual girl,” Natalie said, but the information didn’t exactly surprise Kim. She revealed that Ariana recently went and bought a vibrator with her sister, and it’s “fine” because Kim would rather her do that than go out and have sex.
And that’s when Natalie realized that Kim wasn’t truly understanding what she was saying, so she further explained: “No, she’ll be doing a lot of that. A lot. Like she’s going to enjoy the whole thing and that buildup.”
After taking a sip of her wine, Kim asked Natalie to further clarify, while also wondering whether Ariana’s going to have “a lot of men in her life”. And Natalie said yes, but when Kroy mentioned that Ariana doesn’t have a boyfriend yet (this season was filmed during the summer of 2019), Natalie noted, “She is having sex, though.”
Then, when Brielle and Ariana came in the room for their own reading, Natalie told them that they’ll both get married but “way later on” in life. And Brielle will get married first. As for Ariana — she’ll be going “through some numbers first”, as she’ll experience a “variety of men” throughout her life.
Afterwards, the Biermanns enjoyed their short stay in Los Angeles with a swim in the ocean before flying home to Atlanta, where they reminisced about their fun-filled road trip from coast to coast.
And that’s a wrap on Season 8 of Don’t Be Tardy. To hear how Kim now feels after watching the season unfold, LISTEN TO OUR HOLLYWOODLIFE PODCAST INTERVIEW HERE!
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