Songs like “We Are The Champions” and “Party In The USA” are being played on streets around the nation today, as Americans band together to celebrate Joe Biden‘s win. He has officially defeated Donald Trump, making him the nation’s 46th President, with Senator Kamala Harris as his Vice President. Scenes outside the Trump Tower and Trump Hotel in New York City on the morning of November 7 showed crowds gathering to dance and sing along to “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye” by Paul Leka. In videos and photos shared to social media, almost everyone appeared to be wearing masks, in order to celebrate as safely as possible during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike Trump supporters, the celebrations appeared to be peaceful with no assault weapons or guns in sight.
My brother sent me this video from outside of trump tower💙 in so happy it’s over #bidenharis2020 pic.twitter.com/WM9FyjRWSo
— Mary🎃 (@sinjinwastaken_) November 7, 2020
Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon shared a video from the streets of New York, which showed people gathered to sing the iconic hit, “We Are The Champions”. Today, the American people truly are! Celebrations also continued further uptown by Central Park, where social media users captured a video of people clad in Biden Harris face masks and tops singing and dancing to Bruno Mars’ hit “Uptown Funk”.
Hey Donald, New York wishes you a happy retirement in Rikers, woops I meant Florida😜 pic.twitter.com/kBCmYOkW3n
— Cynthia Nixon (@CynthiaNixon) November 7, 2020
Down in DC, thousands of people took to the streets near the White House. Many held signs, proudly showing that they voted for Joe Biden, while others brought bells and megaphones to the celebration. People also took to the streets of Philadelphia, where mask-clad Americans aptly sang along to “Dancing In The Street” while cars passing by beeped their horns.
#bidenharis2020 : just love, love , love supporters cheering & jumping up and down in Washington SquRe Park in NYc. Truly couldn’t be a more BEAUTIFUL day America! pic.twitter.com/M3tvCM1MRq
— Bonnie Fuller (@BonnieFuller) November 7, 2020
Easily thousands of people now in downtown Washington DC and this is just across from the White House (but Trump is out golfing right now) with people — families with kids, young and old alike — cheering, dancing, chanting and celebrating while many more pouring in #Election2020 pic.twitter.com/6PqeuaXnRt
— Hümeyra Pamuk (@humeyra_pamuk) November 7, 2020
Dancing in the Streets in Philadelphia, PA pic.twitter.com/7j5Cm0qKha
— WordsMatter (@wyrdbyrd7) November 6, 2020
Celebrations continued in New York City, especially in Washington Square Park where thousands gathered to celebrate Joe Biden’s win. Musicians played their instrument while others sang along, cheered, and rang cow bells. One Twitter user took to social media, saying they had overheard a woman speaking to her newborn “‘IT’S A DEMOCRACY PARTY’ a woman tells her newborn,” the user wrote. On the other side of the country, in Los Angeles, locals were quick to take to the streets, ringing bells, singing and dancing. Cars could also be heard beeping their horns in solidarity with those celebrating!
I can't figure out if this is causal joy but THERE ARE SO MANY DOGS in washington square park rn, people holding their babies in the air, people stop the fountain waving pride flags, a brass band playing Brown Eyed Girl what is even happening pic.twitter.com/xdDTTxsILE
— Laine Nooney @ 🔥🗑️🔥 (@Sierra_OffLine) November 7, 2020
Biden wins! The witch is dead! pic.twitter.com/zHOjxtcvfm
— Christopher Rogers (@ChrisRogers86) November 7, 2020