Max Ehrich is apparently on the rebound after his split from Demi Lovato. The actor, 29, took to his Instagram account on October 13 and posted a paparazzi photo, sans caption, of himself with season 15 American Idol contestant Sonika Vaid. In the image, Max can be seen smiling with his arm wrapped around Sonika, whose head was turned as she looked over her shoulder. Max also tagged Sonika’s official Instagram handle in the image. The two were dressed mostly in black and appeared to be heading out for the night. You can see the image from Max’s Instagram account here.
The post comes less than one month after news broke on September 24 that Max and Demi’s engagement was over. The former couple got engaged in July 2020, after quarantining with one another for roughly four months. After their split, Max began sharing a number of surprising social media posts. Two days after their engagement was called off, Max took to his Instagram Story, telling his followers that he heard about his split from Demi “through a tabloid.” But that wasn’t all.
On October 2, Max went on his Instagram Live and alleged that Demi was “using him” for a “calculated PR stunt” in order for the singer to promote her new music. Demi, however, has been incredibly reticent when it comes to revealing how she’s been handling the breakup. The songstress did, however, release a new track, “Still Have Me,” on September 30, just days after her engagement ended. The singer didn’t outrightly address the personal blow she’d be dealt, but did tell her fans when teasing the song that “music is always there for” her during the difficult moments in her life.
Behind the lyrics and music, though, Demi has still been trying to come to terms with Max’s social media outbursts. “She is really disappointed that it has gotten to this point with Max,” a source close to the entertainer shared EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife. “Breakups are never something anyone wants to deal with, and the way Max is reacting and the fallout of it all is heartbreaking,” they continued.
“She hopes all [of] this will pass soon and she can focus on everything else that is happening in her life. She doesn’t want heartbreak; she wants to be in a great situation in her life and getting over this relationship will be a good start,” the source went on. “Hopefully for Demi, Max stops talking about it.”
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