Cardi B seems to be adjusting well to the single life after she filed for divorce from Offset earlier this month. The “WAP” rapper, 27, took to her OnlyFans account on Wednesday night to reveal that she could “rebirth” herself and “date any man I want.” She backed up her claim during the live event by revealing, “My DMs are flooded” [on Instagram].”
Despite her new single status and the influx of attention that she’s received, Cardi’s not focused on romance at the moment. “I don’t actually want to date nobody,” she said on the subscription-based platform, adding, “I’m so focused on my business that it’s crazy.”
The Grammy-winner went on to reiterate that she left her marriage on her own merit. “You cannot hurt my feelings trying to throw the divorce in my face because, at the end of the day, I decided I wanted to leave,” she said, explaining, “I didn’t wait until he cheated on me again. I didn’t wait [for] another controversy with him being involved. I decided to leave. If I wanted to stay, I could have stayed. I decided to leave.”
Cardi also revealed where she stands with Offset — who she shares her 2-year-old daughter Kulture Kiari Cephus with. “I don’t have a bad relationship with my baby father. At all,” she said. “I don’t have no hatred towards him. And I don’t wish him nothing bad and I know that he feels the same way about me.”
Cardi (née, Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar) and Offset (née, Kiari Kendrell Cephus) have not yet finalized their divorce. She filed the legal documents on September 15 in Georgia, where the couple has a home together. In her initial divorce documents, Cardi alluded to a messy split between the two when she stated “there are no prospects for a reconciliation.” The original court documents also stated that Cardi was seeking primary physical custody, as well as legal custody of Kulture.
Following her divorce filing, Cardi took to Instagram to reveal the real reason why she decided to end her marriage. In a live video on September 18, she made it clear that nothing “out of this world happened” to cause the breakup. She also shut down rumors that the breakup was for publicity reasons. “I don’t need any stunts to sell anything,” Cardi said, pointing to the chart success of her new single “WAP.”
“It’s not because of cheating. I’m seeing people say it’s because he’s got a baby on the way — that’s a whole f—king complete lie,” Cardi said about rumors that Offset is expecting his fifth child with another woman. “This is the like second time people try to pin babies over here,” she said, calling the baby speculation “bulls–t.” Later on, Cardi thanked her fans for their support and reassured them that she’s “not hurt” after the split.
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