Teyana Taylor, 29, can’t wait to meet her “babygirl”! The singer is expecting her second child with husband Iman Shumpert, 29, and took to Instagram on August 20 to share a new snap of herself meditating outdoors.”Getting some vitamin [D] w/ babygirl,” she captioned the carousel post, which featured three different pics of her looking seriously zen. She wore a cropped, long-sleeved beige top with a zipper, which exposed her growing bump. She also rocked loose-fitting blue, green, and black pants which featured a geometric pattern.
The hitmaker appeared to be meditating, resting on top of two floor pillows, sitting beside some pink and purple crystals and a Buddha statue. “Absolutely GORGEOUS,” actress Halle Berry commented on the pic, while thousands of other fans jumped into the comments section with heart eye emojis. Teyana certainly has a pregnancy glow!
Teyana and Iman first shared their baby news back in June when she revealed her baby bump in her music video for her song “Wake Up Love.” Her NBA star hubby made an appearance in the clip, and was later seen in the background of an Instagram video, which showed him driving while is stunning wife did a belly dance for her phone camera in the passenger seat.But being pregnant hasn’t slowed her down at all! In June, she launched her very own limited edition collection with the iconic cosmetics brand MAC. T
he collaboration, named MAC x Teyana Taylor, featured five make-up items which she deemed essentials. It was inspired by Teyana’s love of the 90’s, and that certainly shone through! She also dropped a new album (titled The Album) and held a listening party which was attended by the likes of Cardi B and Offset along with their their two-year-old daughter Kulture.
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