“I don’t usually get into politics,” began Marge Simpson (voiced by Julie Kavner) on Aug. 14, two days after Jenna Ellis — a senior legal advisor to President Donald Trump — attempted to insult Senator Kamala Harris by comparing her voice to that of the animated icon’s. “[Jenna] said that Kamala Harris sounds like me. Lisa [Simpson] says she doesn’t mean it as a compliment. If that’s so, as an ordinary, suburban housewife, I’m starting to feel a little disrespected.”
Marge’s use of “ordinary, suburban housewife” was a reference to Trump’s recent racist dogwhistle tweet, in which he claimed that such voters will back him to keep “low-income housing” – aka Black people – from “invading their neighborhood.” However, Marge’s focus was not on Trump’s racism, but on Ellis’s immaturity. “I teach my children not to name call, Jenna,” said Marge. The clip then cut away, but fans can hear Marge continue. “I was going to say ‘I’m pissed off,’ but I’m afraid they’d bleep it.”
Shortly after Jenna compared the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee to Marge Simpson, voters dragged Trump’s advisor for the comparison. “You mean the competent woman who has to clean up the mess made by the lazy guy? That Marge Simpson?” one tweeted, per TV Line. Jenna, not realizing she should just take the L and go, retweeted the clip, adding, “Marge is probably going to vote Democrat…by mail.”
If you’re asking, “who is this blonde white lady acting like hot garbage towards a U.S. Senator and America’s beloved sitcom mom?”, here’s what you should know. Jenna’s a constitutional law attorney who previously worked at the James Dobson Family Institute, according to The Daily Beast. She joined the Trump administration in November 2019, a move that The Daily Beast said caught many off-guard. “She literally came out of nowhere,” a person reportedly close to Trump told the publication. Before the gig, she was a member of Trump’s 2020 media advisory board. She also worked in communications for the Patriot Legal Expense Fund Trust, established to (according to TDB) pay the legal bills accrued by White House aides and other Trump allies during Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
She’s also a fundamentalist Christian, having worked with Jerry Falwell Jr., the now-disgraced president of Liberty University, and Charlie Kirk, the head of the pro-Trump student group, Turning Point USA. Ellis published a book in 2015, The Legal Basis For A Moral Constitutions, arguing that progressive judicial philosophy is to blame for a “culture that lacks objective morality.”
Ellis is also not that fond of LGBT+ rights, or seemingly, trans people. “I’m disappointed conservatives are acquiescing to the LGBT agenda,” Ellis wrote in a column that ran after the 2015 Pulse massacre that left 49 dead. “Let me be clear—the Orlando shooting was absolutely terrible and tragic. But the response to this tragedy should not be embracing and advocating for gay rights.” Five years later, Ellis apparently hasn’t changed her attitude. She came under fire for misgendering Dr. Rachel Levine, a trans woman, and Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary, per CBS Pittsburgh. She refused to apologize for that, so don’t expect her to say she’s sorry to Senator Harris or Marge Simpson anytime soon.