Kylie Jenner‘s whole world revolves around her daughter, Stormi Webster, 2, and now, the mogul has some new ink to remind her of the adorable little girl every single day. During her Instagram story on June 30, Kylie subtly showed off her new tattoo on her forearm. In the selfie video, Kylie could be seen spending some quality time with makeup artist, Ariel Tejada, where her new ink could just be seen.
The tattoo appeared to show the time 4:43. That time is actually when Kylie’s daughter, whom she shares with ex Travis Scott, was born on February 1! Following Stormi’s birth, HollywoodLife obtained a copy of the baby’s birth certificate, which showed that the little one was born at 4:43 in the afternoon! It’s such a perfect way for Kylie to commemorate her daughter finally being a part of her world.
And Kylie has been gushing about her youngster quite a lot, recently. The 22-year-old mogul took to her Instagram on June 25, where she posed up with her baby girl in a red luxury Lamborghini SUV in the driveway of her Holmby Hills home. Kylie gazed down lovingly at her sweet little one, how sat on her mom’s lap. “I knew I won when I had you,” Kylie sweetly captioned the photo.
Kylie and Stormi have proven time and again that they are seriously taking advantage of their time together as quarantine safety measures continue with new coronavirus cases reported in Los Angeles. The two have been bonding and enjoying Kylie’s new mansion in the heart of Los Angeles, while also sharing sweet new updates to Kylie’s Instagram account. Of course, the young millionaire has also made time to cautiously return to work, but no without her daughter!
Stormi even joined Kylie on one of her latest covers for Vogue Czechoslovakia for the July/August issue! But Kylie’s recent Instagram story shows that she is heading back to the Kylie Cosmetics headquarters to star work on new shoots and collaborations for her successful makeup line. Beyond her prosperous enterprise, fans can surely expect new Stormi content soon!
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