Get ready, everyone, because a new Broken Karaoke has arrived! The animated short-form series that spotlights favorite Disney Channel characters singing parodies of popular songs is back with their next short “Stuck at Home.” The short features Cricket, Tilly, Gramma, and Bill of the Green Family from Disney Channel’s animated series Big City Greens. They sing a parody of the viral sensation “Flesh & Bone” from the Disney Channel Original Movie Zombies 2.
The Green Family sings about being stuck at home. Gramma sings that she “sat so long I broke my tailbone,” while Bill says they wash their hands “until they’re dry as hay.” Despite the isolation, the Green Family is going to make the best of the situation. As Bill says, they’ll find the “silver lining” through it all. This parody is such a fun and catchy tune that you’ll be singing in the days to come.
The last Broken Karaoke short was titled “Queen of Nice,” and it featured Tilly Green singing a parody of viral sensation “Queen of Mean” from Descendants 3. The video currently has over 4 million views on YouTube.
Zombies 2 was released in Feb. 2020 and became an instant hit, just like the first movie. The DCOM sequel featured the arrival of the werewolves, and they definitely spiced things up. The song “Flesh & Bone” currently has over 81 million views on Disney Music VEVO!
Big City Greens follows mischievous and optimistic 10-year-old Cricket Green who moves from the country to the big city with his wildly out of place family — older sister Tilly, father Bill, and Gramma Alice. The voice cast is Chris Houghton as Cricket Green, Artemis Pebdani as sweet Gramma Alice, Marieve Herington as quirky older sister Tilly Green, and Bob Joles as hard-working father Bill Green. Fans can watch Big City Greens on Disney Channel and in the DisneyNOW app.
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