Kate Beckinsale doesn’t have any time for negativity. The 46-year-old actress took to Instagram on June 3, and shared a post calling for justice for Breonna Taylor. The photo, which honored the 26-year-old black woman who was killed by police in Louisville, Kentucky, was met with plenty of support from fans — but there were also a few trolls. “I join thousands of others in asking you to bring posthumous justice to Breonna Taylor, who was shot eight times in her bed by the Louisville Metro Police after they invaded her apartment looking for a drug trafficker already in custody,” Kate began.
Quoting Breonna’s mom, Tamika Palmer, she continued, “‘I want justice for her. I want them to say her name. There’s no reason Breonna should be dead at all.'” Kate went on to write, “Breonna Taylor was an award-winning emergency medical technician and first responder in Louisville, who loved helping her patients and her community, and who made other people’s lives better. She protected you and your city. Now it’s your responsibility to show her the same respect.” Some ‘all lives matter’ commenters told the star that if she was going to talk about Breonna’s death, she also needed to discuss David Dorn.
David was a retired black police captain who was killed while responding to an alarm at a pawnshop amid the Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death. “Ok, now do David Dorn. #alllivesmatter,” one follower wrote, to which Kate quickly fired back. “What’s really sad is you being pushy on a post about a woman’s death and saying ‘what about someone else’ actually does a disservice to the person you are trying to illuminate,” she clapped back. “It’s a f*****g tragedy too but you will stop people from honoring him since you are being mean spirited and co-opting him with a slogan which offends.”
She then urged the commenter to “serve him better,” adding, “All these deaths are tragic and could ALL have been avoided. ALL. Someone posting about one does not imply not caring about another. Don’t make a fight where there isn’t a fight, it’s disrespecting both and all.”
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