Kylie Jenner, 22, got glammed up on a quarantine break! The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star showed off her curves in her latest Instagram post shared on Saturday, May 23. Sitting pretty in her luxe Rolls Royce, Kylie rocked a sexy strapless leather top by Parisian designer Jitrois and a pair of light wash jeans as she gave the camera a fierce look. Still sporting her honey highlights, Ky styled her hair into too high pig tails and threw on a pair of “Bike 4” sunglasses by Dior. “Got all dressed last night with nowhere to go. i hope everyone is staying busy & safe,” she captioned the image, including two black hearts and a blue butterfly emoji.
The butterfly was a clear reference to the statement diamond chain necklace that could be seen around her neck! Eagle eyed fans quickly noticed that the the gold jewelry piece was gifted to Kylie for her 20th birthday by none other than Travis Scott. The stunning piece, designed by jeweler Elliot Avianne, was inspired by his signature tune “Butterfly Effect,” and contains 28 carats of VVS diamonds. A blue butterfly sits in the center of the $60,000 chain, while diamond encrusted green and purple ones sit along the rest of the necklace — gorgeous! Of course, this isn’t the only piece of pricey jewelry Kylie has from the rapper: Travis went all out for her 22nd celebration last year with a custom cuban-link chain featuring the lip logo for Kylie Cosmetics.
Kylie shared two outtakes from the impromptu car photoshoot on her Instagram story, also showing off her perfect baby Prada “Re-Edition” nylon shoulder bag, gold ring and diamond earrings by Harry Kotler! Her 177 million followers were loving the new photo, including big sister Kim Kardashian, 39! “The cutest!!!!!!!” she gushed, including a black heart emoji. KarJenner BFF Olivia Pierson also added, “VIBES” along with a buttefly emoji.
The sexy new post comes after Kylie’s epic at-home cooking session on May 22 that left us drooling! The Kylie Skin founder revealed her delicious recipe for buffalo cauliflower, which she made using oat milk, paprika and garlic powder, as well as a home-made sauce with honey! She also whipped up a the sweet corn, burrata and basil ravioli from Trader Joe’s that sounded so delicious.
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