Emily Ratajkowski knows how to rock a bikini, and she was at it again with her latest quarantine selfie on April 22. Emily took to her Instagram story to post a new pic of herself in her bathing suit. In the image, she’s lounging in bed, with her dog hanging out behind her. She’s rocking a thong bikini bottom and skimpy top, with her amazing figure and backside on full display. The pic followed a video that she posted of herself in the bathroom, where she declared that she was “wine drunk,” while also wearing a two-piece.
Emily began her coronavirus quarantine in New York City with her husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard. However, on April 9, the couple and their dog broke the ‘refrain from travel’ suggestion and hopped on a plane to Los Angeles. Since then, they’ve been enjoying the warmer weather while quarantined at their L.A. home. Of course, being in Los Angeles has also allowed them much more space than they had in New York City.
Unfortunately, that almost turned into a disaster for them on April 10, as their dog got loose while out for a walk. Photos surfaced of Emily panicking as the pair attempted to get their pup back, and luckily, they were able to do so.
While quarantined, Emily hasn’t refrained from keeping up her posting of sexy content on Instagram, though. In one recent Instagram pic, she wore nothing but her high-waisted bikini bottoms, and in another, she brushed her teeth in a teeny-tiny crop top. Keep it coming!
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