Before the current coronavirus pandemic, Priyanka Chopra had a slew of exciting plans in store for herself and her husband of just over one year, Nick Jonas. “Right now, this year’s really packed for me in terms of the work that I’m doing and the work that I’ve taken on,” the actress, 37, shared in her profile with Tatler for the May issue. But that didn’t stop the star from making intentional plans to start their family. “Having a family is very important to me and it always has been,” Priyanka shared. “It is something that I definitely want to do and I’m hoping that whenever God wills it, at the right, opportune time, it’ll happen.”
With the couple currently in self-isolation from the rest of the world, Priyanka and Nick, 27, have been seeing a lot more of each other than usual. Under normal circumstances, Priyanka noted that she and Nick “don’t go more than two/three weeks without seeing each other.” In fact, it’s a “rule” in their marriage. “That’s a rule. It’s too hard otherwise, and you’ve got to work on the relationship, to prioritize it,” she explained.
Fortunately, the famous pair have been making up for any lost time amid the COVID-19 pandemic and are still well into the “honeymoon phase” of their marriage, according to a source. After marrying Nick in December 2018, Priyanka has continued to put an emphasis on wanting to start a family. And she’s discussed how vital her own family has been in molding her into the woman she is today. She even cited a fun story during the interview that demonstrated the tightly knit, fun-loving bond her family shares. “My grandmother – my dad’s mum – always used to say, about me, ‘Who’s going to marry her? She can’t cook.’ And my dad would say, ‘I’ll send a cook with her. She never needs to go into the kitchen.'”
Sentimental stories and funny family encounters have always been something Priyanka wants to create in her marriage with Nick. And this isn’t the first time she’s mentioned having children in the future. In October 2019, Priyanka confessed that she “can’t wait. I really can’t wait,” to start a family when asked during her appearance on Today. She’s always maintained the same positive outlook on the future, as well. “I mean there’s so much that happens in our lives that whenever God blesses us with that it’s something that we both definitely want.”
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