Amid rumors she split from her American Horror Story actor boyfriend Evan Peters, Halsey shared a clip of herself dancing away the quarantining blues in a tiny yellow bikini. The “Without Me” hitmaker, 25, took to Instagram on March 26 to post a selfie video of herself shaking her hips in a bathroom, as she mouthed the lyrics to “Canyon Moon” by Harry Styles. “Quarantine update. sorry I haven’t been online, clearly I have been very very busy. Trying to make the best of this weird time and thinking of you all,” the captioned the clip in a tongue-in-cheek fashion. Halsey’s barely-there bikini featured a yellow and green floral print, which she paired with oversized sunglasses. Perfect for soaking up the sunshine in your own backyard while practicing social distancing!
Eagle-eyes fans, who are convinced there’s something brewing between the singer and her ex-beau Yungblood, dropped comments on the post. “We have suspicions that you’re in quarantine with Dom…….” one fan wrote, referring to the British singer’s real name, Dominic. Their suspicions come just days after Yungblood complimented Halsey’s cooking on Instagram, possibly implying in his caption that they were having dinner together. She took to her Instagram stories on March 22, revealing her “First crack at making a Sunday dinner.” She called her feast — Yorkshire pudding, mixed veggies, and Banoffee pie — “#YorkshireCertified”. Yungblud reposted Halsey’s pic on his own Instagram story, adding “can confirm,” along with a check mark and heart emoji. Hmm…
Fans were quick to express their excitement that the exes, who split in September 2019, might be back together. “Halsey and Yungblud having dinner together has me screaming,” one hopeful follower wrote. Other fans suggested that the pair might have just remained friends. After all, Halsey was quietly dating AHS star Evan Peters, 33. Although there’s no official word on whether the pair have broken up, the “Closer” singer removed all evidence of Evan from her Instagram this week.
While the couple keep their relationship largely quiet, Halsey did share a sweet PDA post on Instagram for his birthday in January. She said she “couldn’t imagine a world without you in it.” They also spent Valentine’s Day together in a hot tub in Switzerland.
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