Marc Daly was in town during the Feb. 23 episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, so he invited Kenya Moore‘s friends to a “couples bowling” night in preparation for his upcoming charity event. Basically, Marc wanted to meet everyone he hadn’t met yet, in a casual setting before bringing them all together at his charity thing. Anyway, he put Kenya up to the task of inviting everyone, and he didn’t know that she made it very clear to everyone that if their spouse couldn’t come, neither could they. For example, Kenya extended an olive branch to Tanya Sam and invited both her and her boyfriend, Paul. However, Tanya said her man would be busy that night, and then Kenya told her it’s a “couples” thing, so she basically insinuated that if her man couldn’t come, she couldn’t either.
Porsha brought that up at the bowling event when she realized Tanya wasn’t there. Porsha also made it clear that NeNe and Marlo weren’t there either, but Kenya didn’t invite them at all, so that was what it was. Anyway, when Marc found out that Kenya put stipulations on the invite, he wasn’t too pleased with her. He said everyone should have felt welcomed to join — with or without a significant other. Then, when the issue of NeNe came up, everyone asked why NeNe’s husband Gregg was invited to Marc’s upcoming charity event, but NeNe wasn’t. Marc said NeNe would be more than welcome at his charity event, while Kenya disagreed.
Then, when Porsha asked them to get on the same page since they’re a married couple, Kenya became feisty. But Marc wasn’t having any of it — he told Kenya to “reel it in” and stop being nasty. And that’s when Kenya got real quiet.
Then, out of the blue, Gregg and NeNe showed up to the bowling alley and they exchanged pleasantries. However, Kenya refused to act fake, so she didn’t get up to hug NeNe.
Want more drama? New episodes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta air Sundays at 8pm on Bravo.