In a recent twist of events, Priyanka Chopra, 37, was just announced as the global ambassador for the shoe brand Crocs. The actress is set to star in the 2020 campaign, “Come As You Are,” alongside the rest of the global ambassadors including actress Zooey Deschanel, South Korean singer Kim Sejeong, Japanese actress Suzu Hirose, and Chinese actress Yang Mi. Priyanka looks gorgeous in the latest photo released by the brand which pictures her leaning against a staircase wearing a fuzzy bright orange cardigan. In the photo, Priyanka wore the cozy button-down sweater as a dress styled with a pair of matching orange slide sandals covered in a bunch of charms. She topped her look off with layered necklaces, a bright orange lip, and a gorgeous blowout with her hair down and parted in the middle with chestnut highlights.
Terence Reilly, Chief Marketing Officer of Crocs, said in a press release, “Priyanka embodies the ethos of ‘Come As You Are’ with her unique and expressive style and fashion sensibility. As the campaign transitions into empowering people to proclaim and express their one-of-a-kindness, she will be a beacon for how some of our newest 2020 collections can be uniquely styled to suit individual personalities and lifestyles, showcasing that being yourself, being comfortable and looking stylish are not mutually exclusive.”
Priyanka has been a UNICEF ambassador for over a decade and she partnered with Crocs back in December, to donate 50,000 pairs of Crocs Classic clogs to the children of Belize in need.
Priyanka rarely endorses brands so the fact that she’s the newest global ambassador for Crocs means she must seriously love the brand. While only one photo was released so far, we cannot wait to see Priyanka star in the 2020 campaign!
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