It’s no secret that Priyanka Chopra, 37, has a fabulous figure, and the actress revealed to Harper’s BAZAAR, in the February issue, what a typical 24 hours looks like in her life. A day in the life of Priyanka starts super early, at around 5 a.m. to be exact, thanks to her dog, Diana, who wakes her up every morning. Priyanka revealed to the magazine that after giving her puppy some attention and back scratches, they eventually go back to sleep for a couple of hours. After that, once she fully wakes up, when it comes to Priyanka’s morning routine, there are a few rituals she does to start her day off on a healthy note. At around 7:30 a.m., Priyanka reveals, “The first thing I do in the morning is put on music. My life has always been pretty musical, and now with Nick [Jonas], it’s completely musical.” She admits, “I’ll blast Top 40 radio while I’m getting ready.”
At around 8:00 a.m., Priyanka begins her rituals, sharing, “I’m more spiritual than religious, but I am Hindu, so I have a little shrine with incense that I carry wherever I go. When I first moved to Mumbai at 17, I lived with my best friend. She always did a morning prayer. I was like, ‘Oh, my mom does this,’ and you never want to emulate your parents, right? But she made me realize that this is a great way to start the day with some positivity. I say a few Hindu mantras, which are basically just saying ‘thank you’ to the world. It’s a way to reflect and be grateful.”
As for what Priyanka eats and drinks in the morning, she admits, “We have a Nespresso machine, so I make espresso. That’s what I call my ‘first breakfast.’ Then, when I’m in New York, my assistant comes by with my ‘second breakfast,’ a Sweetgreen bowl—scrambled eggs, veggies, and farrow. And then … I mean, I should work out. I have every intention to. But every day it’s like, ‘I’ll do it tomorrow, I’ll do it tomorrow.’ And then tomorrow never comes. It’s the Samuel Beckett version of working out.”
When it comes to doing a full face of makeup in the morning, Priyanka does not partake. “I’m not a big makeup person when I’m not working – just mascara, tinted lip balm, and a little bit of a cheek situation,” she admits. “I like Marc Jacobs mascara because it’s black as hell – it really shows up. As for hair, ha! I can’t do hair. I either have it done by a professional or it’s in a topknot,” she joked.
Priyanka’s full interview can be found in the February issue of Harper’s BAZAAR, which hits newsstands on January 21st.
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