As the busy mom of three kids, even Jessie James Decker sometimes can’t carve out time to make it to the gym. Jessie, 31, explained to HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY what she does to get some exercise, even in the moments when it seems like it’s not possible. “I haven’t been to the gym in a little while. I’ll be honest, my schedule is a little nuts,” Jessie confessed. “When I do go, I do try to go at least once or twice a week and I’ll do a 40-minute high intensity circuit training. But if I don’t make it to the gym I always tell people you have a good 20 minutes to find the longest hallway in your house and do 150 lunges. Do it!”
The rest of Jessie’s at-home workout is perfect for any parent who wants to stay in shape and maintain their health, even if getting in time for self-care seems impossible. “When you’re done with that, get on the floor and do 20 pushups,” Jessie said. “When you’re done with that, do 100 crunches and then try do 75 jumping jacks. You have time to do it in your house and every little bit counts.” Just because you’re not getting your workout in at the gym, doesn’t mean you won’t see serious results! Take it from Jessie herself: “I mean, after 150 lunges you’re going to feel it in your legs,” she said. “And after doing that whole routine two to three times a week you’re going to notice that definition in your entire body.”
Of course, running around after the kids is also a great way to stay in shape — and moms do a lot of that. Part of staying healthy also means eating healthy. Jessie told us EXCLUSIVELY in September that she is adamant about her whole family eating right. Personally, she likes interment fasting. “I sometimes fast as long as I can in the morning to give my stomach a break,” Jessie revealed. I also make sure I don’t make poor hungry choices. Don’t let yourself get to the point of being so hungry, that you go crazy on a big meal.”
Meanwhile, Jessie has been busy working on her What’s Your Cue program in order to help others overcome their own personal obstacles. “It was such a natural partnership for me. I partnered with Dermira because I have a similar story as the people I got to work with. I want to inspire other people and help them overcome their obstacles, To find their inner confidence and help them live their dreams. The What’s Your Cue Program allowed me to meet several aspiring artists who are overcoming their issues, too, and hear their stories. It was such a natural fit for me. I love the program, I love their messaging and QBREXZA has been so great to work with. What’s neat is they wanted to continue to hear everybody’s stories and the obstacles they’ve overcome and they’re letting people do that with the WhatsYourCue.com so it’s been really cool to spread the message.”