Salma Hayek, 53, made self-care a celebration when she reached 12 million Instagram followers. The Oscar nominated actress took to social media and shared a snap from her acupuncture session on Oct. 14, laying facedown with needles going down her spine. “I’m very grateful to all of you for your love and support,” Salma began the caption to her post. “Yaaaay!!! You have gotten me to the 12 million!!! A needle for health and well-being representing each million of you.” Salma also included the same message in Spanish and her fans loved the post. “Such a gorgeous woman,” one follower commented. While another chimed in, saying, “Gracias for being you!”
Salma’s followers love when the actress shares these intimate moments with them. On Aug. 21, the actress revealed a number of make-up free photos of herself in different lighting, showing off how the element can literally make people see you in a different light. “I love playing with light. If you get to know it it can make you 👀 younger or mysterious, sexy or sweet but be careful because it can also make you look old and ugly,” she captioned the post.
Of course, Salma is anything but old and ugly. The actress maintains her timeless, classic beauty in the simplest way. “She exercises regularly, takes good care of herself, gets plenty of rest, drinks lots of water and stays out of the sun,” a source close to Salma EXCLUSIVELY shared with HollywoodLife on Jan. 14. “Her routine is simple but she is very regimented about eating well, practicing yoga and taking good care of her skin too. She tries to get facials regularly, never goes to sleep with makeup on and also avoids sugar.”
Salma is really living her best life. Here 12 million Instagram followers are making it that much better. Fans can only anticipate that number is definitely going to grow!
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