Priyanka Chopra, 37, was all dressed up in love while out for date night with her husband Nick Jonas, 27. The couple stepped out in Las Vegas on Oct. 10 for the third annual JBL Fest at JEWEL nightclub. Priyanka looked stunning in a black, sparkling cocktail dress with a slit. The rhinestones were so dazzling, as Priyanka accessorized her ensemble with a matching black coat and heels. Nick followed suit with the color scheme, wearing a black and white sergeant pepper style jacket. At one point, the adorable duo gazed lovingly at one another and giggled while sharing a joke.
The couple is finally getting some time together after spending nearly three weeks apart. Priyanka has been traveling the world promoting her latest Hindi-language film The Sky Is Pink. Nick has also been busy, traveling with brothers Kevin Jonas and Joe Jonas, while on their “Happiness Begins” reunion tour. So, the couple’s date night was a long time coming! Priyanka and Nick got together for another fun date night in Beverly Hills on Oct. 9. The two looked so in love and were inseparable the whole night — even putting on a bit of a PDA show!
Despite their busy schedules and minimal time together, these two are ready to move forward, and Priyanka is especially looking forward to starting their family. “I can’t wait. I really can’t wait,” the actress gushed to Hoda Kotb while on the Today Show on Oct. 8. “I mean there’s so much that happens in our lives that whenever God blesses us with that [having children] it’s something that we both definitely want.” Of course, Priyanka hasn’t been shy about wanting to have children with Nick, sharing previously with Vogue India in their Sept. issue, “Buying a home and having a baby are on my to-do list.”
Right now, though, Nick and Priyanka are enjoying their time together and showing off their love for the world to see. The two have some time to make up for, considering how long they have been apart. Here’s hoping fans will see a few more pics of them out and about as they reconnect after working so hard.
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