Link was left speechless after Amelia broke her pregnancy news to him during the Oct. 3 episode of Grey’s Anatomy. But it wasn’t because he didn’t want a baby — it was because he afraid of bringing one into the world. Not only would he be scared about his kid getting cancer like he had when he was young, but he told Jo that global warming and school shootings are just two other major reasons why he’d want to shy away from having a child of his own. Unbeknownst to him, however, Amelia had her own reasons for not wanting to follow through with the pregnancy — she was left traumatized after her last baby was born without a brain — but once she shared those feelings with Link, it actually made him want to have the baby. So his mind completely changed when he realized how small his worries were compared to hers. And because of that, she completely changed her mind, too.
Meanwhile, Meredith didn’t let her recent firing stop her from diagnosing those around her. In fact, while at her community-service job, she was either triaging fellow workers or sending them to see Alex and Richard at Pac North Hospital. But when her supervisor caught her in the act and threatened to close down her makeshift operation, Meredith urged her to seek her own medical care after noticing an odd lump on her neck. It turned out to be a form of cancer, but because her insurance doesn’t even pay for a second asthma inhaler each month, Meredith’s supervisor worried about how she’d ever be able to afford treatment for her cancer. Thus, Meredith came up with an idea to publish an article about how insurance companies aren’t doing enough to help patients. Let’s just hope it doesn’t land her in jail!
As for Jo, she was readying herself to return to work this week, but she was surprised to find out that two different hospitals — Pac North and Grey Sloan — were fighting over her. Each one offered her total control over her fellowship, but then Pac North (Alex) offered her a position as an attending, so she basically told Bailey that she’d be switching hospitals. However, Bailey couldn’t afford to lose another great doctor, so she offered the same and now it looks like Jo will be staying at Grey Sloan.
Later, Owen, who was back from paternity leave, struggled with Tom’s new position. Especially after Owen accidentally zapped Tom’s crotch with charged-up paddles. Tom didn’t think it was an accident so he filed an emergency restraining order against Owen.
Want more drama? New episodes of Grey’s Anatomy air Thursdays at 8pm on ABC!