Blac Chyna welcomed her daughter, Dream Kardashian, to the good life when she staged a Ferrari photoshoot for the two-year-old. Chyna, 31, flaunted her brand new Ferrari 488 on Instagram by wearing a red hot outfit to match the pricey sports car. And little Dream had her own chance to pose next to her mom’s ride, wearing an adorable pair of red pajamas. Chyna added the car, which starts at $262,647, to her huge collection of luxury vehicles, and was certainly proud to show it off. The model and reality star’s white whip features a cherry red interior, and metallic, red rims on the tires. So naturally, Chyna rocked a metallic bodysuit and heels to match it.
In the photo, which you can see below, Chyna’s bodysuit is almost completely open in the front of her chest and flat abs, and her heels have to be at least five inches tall. She looks incredible. Chyna got Dream, her daughter with former fiancé Rob Kardashian, in on the fun by dressing her in bright red footsie PJs and a tiny pair of black combat boots. Dream’s big grin is infectious as she holds onto the car’s side mirror, her hand on her hip. So cute! The mother-daughter duo frequently coordinate their outfits, or totally match, too. During a late night Target run in August 2019, they rocked matching Adidas tracksuits and sneakers, which you can see in the photo above.
And when she’s not twinning mom, Dream’s channeling Disney princesses. Chyna posted the cutest pic of her daughter on Instagram. The sweet photo shows Dream flashing an adorable smile while playing at home in a yellow dress printed with Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Look at that tutu!
Dream and her big brother, King Cairo, Chyna’s seven-year-old son with ex Tyga, are basically the stars of mom’s Instagram account. When Chyna’s not posting glam photos, she’s documenting her little ones’ milestones and happy moments.
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