50 Cent is a five-star internet troll and he’s taken his trolling to new levels today in an Instagram video that heightens his ongoing feud with his former friend Floyd Mayweather. The New York rapper shared a savage clip with superimposed voices over images of himself and the fighter. In the video, Mayweather is shown holding what he says is a million dollars cash, and 50, in a fake voice, says, “Hey, what you doing with all that money?… Now that I think about it, don’t you owe me some money man?”
Hysterically flustered with his fake, high-pitch voice, the boxer replies, “Come on now 50, I already paid you 50. You know I don’t owe you no money!” That didn’t sit so well with fake-50, who replies, “Hey champ, you got two mother-fing seconds to find that money, man!” This comes after 50 and Floyd reignited their feud from last year, when the champ posted on July 4th an Instagram video spotlighting $1.8 million in cash, an Arnold Schwarzenegger watch and the world’s largest Chanel bag, which he said was a gift from the late Karl Lagerfeld. 50 didn’t wait long to share a picture of Floyd holding a huge Chanel bag on his page, with a line from the Lil Baby and Gunna song “Drip Too Hard.” “don’t think Lil Baby was talking about this dumb shit you bought champ. LOL GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! Legendary stupid shit.”
Yikes! Floyd has yet to respond to the shade, but he isn’t one to stay quiet! 50 continued his trolling by calling out the boxer for his b-ball game. “what the fuck champ, are you alright? Get the strap,the man tried to kill you. Now you got ace bandage on ya ankle and shit. LOL,” he wrote on a video of Floyd at a charity basketball game.
We’re sure that this beef is bound to continue, so we’ll be sure to keep checking back on 50’s social media for more!
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