Priyanka Chopra, 36, is having a wild time in Paris celebrating Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner’s wedding. The gorgeous actress has been rocking a slew of fabulous different outfits since arriving in France on June 23, but her latest look may just be our fave. Priyanka and her husband, Nick Jonas, 26, left their hotel in Paris on Monday, June 24, to go to Crazy Horse, a cabaret club. Priyanka left for the night looking fabulous in head-to-toe olive green Peter Pilotto, opting to wear a skintight metallic on-shoulder top with one billowing long-sleeve. The long top was fitted to Priyanka’s toned figure, and she paired the shirt with the matching fitted flare-leg trousers. Priyanka accessorized her dazzling look with a pair of Kendra Scott square hoop earrings, black cat-eye sunglasses, black ankle-strap sandals, and a cute beaded mini purse. As for her glam, Priyanka chose to keep her black hair down in a perfect blowout, parted to the side.
Priyanka looked stunning for her night out, but we were totally shocked and confused when she left the club looking totally different. The Quantico actress ditched her pretty blowout for a platinum blonde bob wig with front bangs. The wig was super straight and sleek, ending at her shoulders, as the front bangs completely covered her face, ending at her eyebrows. We almost didn’t recognize the star with her new blonde bob, and to be honest, she can totally pull off this look. It seems like Priyanka, Nick, and the rest of the wedding crew in Paris are having a blast, considering Priyanka did not have that wig on in the beginning of the night.
Other than Priyanka’s quirky new hair, the actress has been looking fabulous throughout her entire vacation, rocking a slew of different outfits. Earlier that same day that she wore the wig, Priyanka looked absolutely stunning when she rocked a $2,450 metallic orange patterned Markarian Dietrich Ruffled Satin-Effect Maxi Dress from the Markarian Resort 2020 Collection. The frock featured a plunging V-neckline that ended all the way at her waist, as she chose to go completely braless underneath. Meanwhile, the skirt of the dress was even sexier as it wrapped in the front, featuring a slit on the side that started all the way at the top of her hip, showing off her toned legs. The flowy dress was so chic as it featured ruffled sleeves and a loose-fitting skirt that was lined with ruffle trim on the sides and hem of the skirt.
Priyanka accessorized the sexy frock with a bunch of layered delicate gold necklaces, skinny tortoise sunglasses, and simple nude leather ankle-strap sandals.
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