Shanina Shaik took quite a risk with her revealing red carpet dress at the 2019 Vanity Fair Oscars party, and unfortunately, photographers caught her suffering a wardrobe malfunction in the ensemble. For the high-profile event, Shanina wore a glittering, strapless, silver gown, which featured a thigh-high leg slit. Although it wasn’t visible from the front, when Shanina posed to the side, the top portion of her dress gave way and showed her skin underneath. Since she was braless in the outfit, cameras caught her revealing a bit more than she probably bargained for.
Additionally, as Shanina strutted her way down the carpet, the bottom portion of her dress came up just a smidge too high at one point, but it was super brief and only captured in a few frames! Regardless of the mishaps, Shanina looked beyond fierce as she posed for photos. She completed her gorgeous look with her hair pulled back into an updo with a middle part. She also wore dramatic, dangling earrings that sparkled along with the dress, and she rocked gold, open toed heels to round everything out.
Shanina walked the Vanity Fair red carpet solo, leaving her hubby, DJ Ruckus, at home for the big night out. Shanina married the DJ in a romantic wedding in the Bahamas in April 2018, more than two years after they got engaged in Jan. 2016.
Of course, she was still in plenty of good company at the bash, with dozens of the biggest celebrities also showing up. Check out photos of Shanina, Jennifer Lopez, Kendall Jenner, Halsey and PLENTY more at the VF Oscars party in the gallery above!
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