Once again, Michaela is stuck on patrol with Jared because their boss “forced it.” Grace helpfully points out that maybe it’s Jared pulling the strings here. There’s no time for flirting or long, wistful looks this time, though. Michaela’s called in for a jumper, and he’s an 828 passenger. Harvey is determined to jump (and he does) because “everyone is dying.” Obviously, Michaela is going to butt her head into other people’s business and figure out what that means. It doesn’t help that she has another dumb voice in her head yelling, “don’t lose him.”
Meanwhile, Ben’s pretending to be a spy again at work, and it’s just shocking how little these people question. Ben’s boss just gives him classified data when he asks! Seriously! He’s now working with Vance, who pulls bulls**t like setting off the fire alarm so he can talk to Ben in the parking garage. He gives him a secure laptop and an untraceable phone — they’re going to figure out where, and why, passengers are being experimented upon.
Not content with letting sleeping dogs lie, Michaela and Jared go to Harvey’s apartment to investigate why he committed suicide. At no point during this investigation do they wear gloves, mind you. What they do find is the words “I am the angel of death” written on the wall in dripping, red paint The Shining-style. Normal! They also discover that three people who partied with him at a club two days prior are both dead. Talk about a buzzkill, amirite? And in personal Michaela drama, Grace saw Lourdes buying fertility tests, because she and Jared are talking about trying for kids. Ugh, no.