You may think your vote, out of the millions of votes, doesn’t matter. You may not feel connected to the politicians running in your Congressional district. Well, Jade Tailor is here to tell you that even if you feel like you don’t have a voice, or you can’t make a difference, you’re wrong. “It’s a ripple effect and every person, every voice, every vote matters and I can’t emphasize that enough,” the actress told “If one person says that their vote won’t matter, then another person is going to say that, too, and then, in no time there’s a hundred thousand people are going to think that. And those hundred thousand votes could’ve swayed it. So, it really is so, so vital and everyone does matter. You never know if you’re that final vote that’s gonna make the difference. That’s gonna tip the scale.”
Jade, who plays Kady in the SyFy fan-favorite show The Magicians, has always been incredibly outspoken on social media about women’s rights, immigrant rights and has given a voice to those who may feel disenfranchised in the country. Her participation has only increased since the election of Donald Trump, and she has used her celebrity as a platform to spread these important messages. “I’m incredibly blessed to have a platform to be able to speak out about the things that matter to me. But, I don’t want people to think if you don’t have an audience of some sort that your voice isn’t gonna be heard or speaking out doesn’t matter. Because, it does,” Jade explained. “I’ve always tried to stand up for humanity and human rights. This moment in history feels like that an evolution of the civil rights movement in a lot of ways because people are really standing up and speaking out about things that matter and pushing for change.”
“If you want somebody that is going to be an honest politician, that’s going to speak up for things that are moral and just, then you got to get out to the polls and vote. At the end of the day, the people we’re voting for in the Midterms are the ones that are going to help actually dictate the presidential vote, as well,” Jade continued. “I’m very hopeful that we can turn this darkness into light and really make a difference for people, but the only way to do that is to put people in office that can make those changes and that really, truly care. That’s what it boils down to — is putting people in office people that care and really want to make a difference for humanity. That’s why it’s so vital for people to get out there and vote.” You can register to vote using the module in the post, and make sure to show up on Tuesday Nov. 6 to vote!
The next season of The Magicians is currently in production, in which Jade is a series regular who plays Kady.
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