Katy Perry, 33, spoke to Refinery29 on January 16 about plastic surgery: “I’ve done lasers and got [filler] injections under my eyes for the hollowing — which I’d recommend for everyone who wants a solution for their dark circles — but all of my assets are real…” We love hearing that she hasn’t gone under the knife, but we were very intrigued about this filler-under-the-eye solution. We spoke to three top derms on why this works and if it’s safe for you to do so you can say so long to concealer…for good!
Joshua Zeichner, MD, is the Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research at the Department of Dermatology at the Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. He tells HollywoodLife.com, “With age, we lose volume in our faces, which makes under eye hollows look prominent. Some people genetically have under eye hollows, even at a young age, because of the shape of their faces. Using fillers, we can replace lost volume, plump up hollow areas, and hide the appearance of under eye dark circles. The procedure is safe when performed by a board certified, properly trained Dermatologist or plastic surgeon. There has been a lot of media coverage on the risk of blindness, which has most commonly been reported in Asia and may be due to differences in facial anatomy in Asian patients. With proper technique, this risk is extremely low. The major potential side effects are bruising for a week or puffiness. I generally treat the under eye and cheek area as a unit to give the most natural appearance.”
“I do these injections all the time,” adds Bruce E. Katz, M.D., Director at New York’s Juva Skin & Laser Center. “We usually use Restylane Silk — it lasts up to one year with just one treatment. We use blunt cannulas instead of needles to inject it so there is no bruising or downtime. It costs about $800-$900.”
New York Plastic Surgeon Dr. David Cangello says: “I personally do fillers under the eyes all the time. It’s a very common procedure. It’s for the area called the ‘tear trough,’ which is that little area that tends to look sunken, just below the medial portion of our lower eyelid. When that area is sunken it makes us look tired and contributes to the look of ‘dark circles.’ Using filler can improve this appearance. Another alternative is surgery, where I personally fill that area with fat (the patient’s own). That’s potentially permanent!”
HollywoodLifers, would you ever get fillers under your eyes like Katy Perry?