When Chrissy Teigen, 31, dished to Refinery 29 that she got armpit liposuction we were completely shocked and baffled — what is that and why would anyone get it? Chrissy explained to the site, “I had an armpit sucked out, which was one of the best things. It’s a big secret, but I don’t care. It was nine years ago or so. And I had two inches to my armpit. Now it’s back though, so now I’ve gotta pay for [liposuction] again. It was so easy. It made me feel better in dresses; I felt more confident. It was the dumbest, stupidest thing I’ve ever done. The dumbest, but I like it, whatever. I have no regrets, honestly.” Wow, aren’t you intrigued? Well, we were, so we asked plastic surgeon, Dr. Peter J. Capizzi, for his advice and he gave us amazing information & tips if you’re thinking of trying it out.
Dr. Capizzi explained, “Chrissy Teigen had an armpit liposuction procedure done 9 years ago, and it worked. But now after children, (and likely enjoying a few cocktails) the fat has returned.” He also explained that if you don’t want to try liposuction, there are other options that might be the right fit for you. “We have more options than ever for treating localized fat in the armpit area. Depending on the area, Kybella can also be used for treatment, as well as the Profound Subcutaneous applicator, CoolSculpting with the CoolFit, and of course liposuction with the PAL (Power Assisted Liposuction) machine,” he said.
As for waiting and downtime when getting lipo, he explains, “Downtime for armpit liposuction can be very quick, – even just 24 hours. If there is a cup of fat or more per side, and swelling, one can still do activities of daily living the next day but may need to gradually get back to working out.” Aside from Dr. Capizzi, we got a second expert to explain — Board-certified dermatologist, S. Manjula Jegasothy, MD, CEO and Founder of Miami Skin Institute, said:
“Kybella works by selectively lysing, or breaking up, fat cells only, in an injected area. As such, it is ideal for treating small deposits of fat in people who are within 15% of their ideal body weight. Most celebrities, actresses and models fit into this category. I have found it particularly useful in the underarms, where such small deposits of fat are difficult to treat with a liposuction cannula, which can be too awkward and large for this delicate area.”
“The cost for a single Kybella treatment can be from $1,500 to $3,000, and patients may require 2-3 sessions, spaced 6-8 weeks apart. While 70% of results are seen within 2 months, the remaining 30% of results can take up to 6 months. The upside however, is that patients are only moderately swollen for one week, and the area is tender to the touch for 3-4 weeks. There is no other downtime.” What do you guys think of the procedure?
Would you guys try armpit liposuction like Chrissy, now that you know more about it? VOTE above & let us know what you think!