The Girlfriend Experience follows Christine Reade, a law student and new intern at a distinguished firm. When a friend introduces her to the world of transactional relationships and GFEs, Christine finds herself captivated by the sex, money and power. has an EXCLUSIVE behind-the-scenes look at the making of The Girlfriend Experience.
“Christine’s attraction to the GFE life is power and money and control,” Riley Keough says in this EXCLUSIVE clip. “A lot of providers they’re trying to get through college, they want to support themselves. It’s a lot of money.”
Christine begins to love the money that comes along with being a GFE. Hint: It’s a lot. She’s extremely confident and self-aware. She knows exactly who she is and what she’s doing. Amy Seimetz, the show’s writer, director and executive producer, notes that there’s a “huge stigma surrounding wanting to get paid for sex or wanting to have sex.”
Christine has no problem breaking down that wall. Riley notes that “Christine is willing to define herself rather than letting people define her.” Christine doesn’t care what people think about her, and that’s what makes her so intriguing.
“With Christine, you see her using her femininity and her power to her own advantage,” Mary Lynn Rajskub, who plays Erin, says in the video. “She’s smart, she’s self-possessed, she’s a business woman.”
The Girlfriend Experience is available on Blu-ray and DVD on August 2nd. It is the perfect show to binge watch. Once you watch one, you won’t be able to resist watching the rest!
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