Did Megyn Kelly go under the knife? The host of Fox News’ hit show, The Kelly File, looks vastly different from her days as a high school student in Albany, NY., which is totally understandable since that was 28-years-ago. But one magazine claims that Megyn might have had some work done to her nose to make it look more petite. Do you think she had a nose job?
A former classmate of Megyn’s spoke to Star and said that the Megyn they once knew definitely looks different but they weren’t sure if it was due to plastic surgery. “Megyn does look a little different now from her high school days,” the unnamed classmate said. “Though I wouldn’t say for sure it’s because she’s had work done.” But they also spoke to a top Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who believes she has had a nose job. “She has clearly undergone a rhinoplasty. The tip of her nose is smaller all the way around,” Dr. Justin Yovino said and also adding that she’s definitely done other things to look more “youthful” too. “I think Megyn has done a very nice job of maintaining a youthful appearance. I think Megyn has done a very nose job of maintaining a youthful appearance with Botox between her eyebrows, across her forehead, around her eyes and possibly around the bridge of her nose to decrease lines. I think she has a very natural appearance without looking too overdone.”
Meanwhile, Megyn has lots of drama with Donald Trump. She recently accused him of flip flopping on issues and showed video clips which supported what she was saying. He was furious and told her that he was being “flexible” and that there was nothing wrong with changing his mind. Now Donald has refused to take part in the next GOP debate because he wants nothing to do with Megyn! Wow, sounds like she has her plate completely full!
HollywoodLifers, do you think Megyn has had a nose job?
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