Caryl, can you hear us? Yes, we’re talking to The Walking Dead‘s Carol and Daryl, who are at the very top of‘s “please hook up ASAP” list.
Okay, so they may just be two crazy teenagers trying to figure out their place in the apocalypse, but they are totally into each other. At first Ron was in their way, and then of course there was the Wolves takeover and the walker parade inside Alexandria, but guess what? That’s all over now. If they have time to trek through the woods outside of Alexandria and spend time reading and eating snacks together, they have time to figure out their relationship status.
For those of you non-believers in the Enid/Carl love fest, remember when they hid inside the hollowed out tree together? They were so close to kissing you could practically feel the tension through your television set. So come on, kids… it’s the apocalypse and every day is a blessing. In the words of One Direction, live while you’re young!
This couple is the most recent to come to life in the world of The Walking Dead, and it’s one that has left viewers with a lot of questions. For example, what about Abraham’s longtime love, Rosita? Is he going to cut the cord on that relationship, or is he going to pursue Sasha behind her back? No matter how it happens, Sasha and Abraham need to lock themselves in a room and get some of that aggression out.
Don’t forget that Sasha nearly got herself killed by the Saviors in the mid-season premiere, and it was all in the name of saving Abraham. Now, why do you think that is? My opinion is that she couldn’t bear the idea of letting him die without knowing what it was like to be with him. Like, with him, you know what I mean? Just saying.
Last but certainly not least, we have Carol and Daryl. These to have been dancing around their feelings for each other for so long it’s hard to actually pinpoint the first moment “Caryl” became a thing. Personally, for me, it was when Daryl had to physically stop Carol from running towards walker Sophia when the little brain eater came out of Hershel’s barn. I know that seems hardly romantic, but he wasn’t just restraining her… he was cradling her, holding her, comforting her! It was love at first “please don’t get eaten by your zombie daughter.”
Plus, there’s a really well thought out fan theory going around that Daryl is going to die at the hands of Negan when season six ends, and if that ends up being true that means Caryl’s time is limited. Very limited. Fingers crossed that once those two find out about Richonne they finally throw in the towel and put their feelings first!
Tell us, HollywoodLifers — Which one of these three couples are you desperate to see together before season six ends? Comment below with your thoughts!
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