During Teen Wolf’s NYCC panel on Oct. 9, Jeff uttered these unforgettable words, “Getting Lydia out of Eichen House is ultimately up to Stiles.” After all, Eichen House is sealed off by mountain ash, preventing anyone who is supernatural from entering. This is pretty much everyone in Scott’s pack except Stiles. Our beloved Stiles is the key to saving Lydia.
“I think it’s definitely going to be a pretty epic moment in this two-part episode of 515 and 516,” Jeff told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “I don’t want to tease too much because we want it to be surprising, but it will satisfy certain fans I hope. Maybe piss off many others, but that always happens.”
Anyone else feel like their heart is pounding? There’s always been something there between Stiles and Lydia, before and after their amazing season three kiss. When Lydia was hurt by a chimera in season five, the look on Stiles’ face made time stand still. Stiles has always been in love with Lydia, and she clearly has feelings for him. One can only hope Jeff will give the people what they want and finally explore Stydia for the endgame couple that they are.
Teen Wolf returns Jan. 5, 2016, at 9 p.m. on MTV.
HollywoodLifers, do you think Stiles and Lydia are meant to be? Will Stiles saving Lydia be the moment for them? Let me know!
— Avery Thompson
Follow @avery__thompson