‘Pretty Little Liars’ Boss Answers The Show’s Biggest Mysteries That Weren’t In The Finale

Answers, answers and more answers! After the big reveal of 'A' on the Aug. 11 'Pretty Little Liars' summer finale, 'PLL' showrunner Marlene King answered other burning questions that fans have been dying to know! This is seriously the best day of every Pretty Little Liars fan's life. After six seasons of mysteries and hardly any answers to those puzzles, we finally found out who "A" is on Aug. 11, and now we're finding out even more. PLL showrunner I. Marlene King cleared up other huge mysteries in a new interview, including who tried to drown Jenna, who blew up Toby's house and much more!

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Now that we know “A'”s identity to be CeCe Drake (A.K.A. Charles DiLaurentis who transitioned into Charlotte and became CeCe), the chips are falling into place. To make sense of the the past six seasons, Marlene cleared up the biggest whodunnits in an interview with Entertainment WeeklyHere are five things we learned.

1) On Jenna being knocked unconscious and left to drown in Season 4, Episode 9: “That was Charlotte because Jenna knew Ali was alive. That’s something we have not discussed on the show so that’s totally new information.”

2) On Toby’s house being blown up in Season 5, Episode 5: “That was Charlotte. She was very mad. But no one got hurt! [She has] perfect timing. She’s a genius.”

3) On who was responsible for Mona’s kidnapping and her fake death in Season 5, Episode 12: “That was Charlotte.”

4) On who was responsible for killing Garrett and putting Aria in a box with his corpse in Season 3, Episode 13: “Wilden. Garrett found out that Wilden was a dirty cop and was going to tell. [Wilden] was acting on his own.” As for who killed Wilden, Marlene revealed that was CeCe.

5) On who saved the other girls from the Thornhill Lodge fire after Ali saved Hanna in Season 3, Episode 24: “Sara Harvey! And the person who set the fire was Shana.”

‘Pretty Little Liars’ Season 6B Spoilers: Alison’s Big Change & Forgiving ‘A’

Now that we have answers, there’s so much to look forward to when PLL returns this winter — and we jump five years into the future! HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY caught up with Sasha Pieterse who revealed what’s in store for Alison’s future.

“She’s kind of reinvented herself,” Sasha told us. “I think fans are really going to like it. Her appearance has kind of changed. I think just her demeanor is so different in what she’s going through now. I think it’s a really cool change for her. It’s really fun for me because I get to play something totally different.” We can’t wait!

What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? What’s the biggest reveal you’re shocked by? Tell us in the comments below!

— Russ Weakland