Now when you think of the three couples featured on Season 2 of Married At First Sight — Jessica and Ryan D, Davina and Sean, Jaclyn and Ryan R — who do you think chose divorce? Well only one marriage ended on Episode 13: Davina and Sean. So sad!
Davina Kullar and Sean Varricchio ultimately decided that while they respected one another and liked each other as people, there wasn’t much there besides a platonic relationship. Both Davina and Sean sought advice from friends and family in the episode, asking what they should do to keep their marriage together — or even if they should break up. And with Davina living in New York, and her husband in New Jersey (and unwilling to move), there was literal, and emotional distance between them that didn’t help the situation.
Still, they were willing to work toward making this work — at least for part of the episode: “The experiment is six weeks and it’s just not enough,” Davina said. “There is going to be even more to uncover and I am open to that.”
While the couple clearly had fun together (Sean finally fulfilled his promise to suck his own toe! Wow, dude!), they began fighting while speaking with sexologist Dr. Logan Levkoff and psychologist Dr. Joseph Cilona. They both agreed that their spouses were great people, but not the ones for them — and they had a bevy of reasons why that was so (like that Sean wasn’t a “strong enough husband,” and that Davina was “egocentric.”) Let the claws come out, kids!
Their six weeks of wedded bliss (or blunders, however you want to look at it) ended as they packed up their belongings and left their wedding rings on the table. “I’m still glad I married a stranger because I have learned a lot about myself,” Davina said. Yet is it really over or is there still a chance at love down the road? According to Sean, it’s not over till it’s over. “I don’t think either of us have closed the door on either person.”
HollywoodLifers, do you think Davina and Sean should have given their marriage a second chance? Sound off in the comments and remember to take our poll!
— Samantha Wilson