Gorgeous co-stars? Check. Sweaty, perfectly toned bodies? Check. Yes, this scene has all the right ingredients for a smoking hot sexual encounter — so why do things get super awkward between Brooklyn Decker, 27, and Patrick Wilson, 41? Watch and find out!
Apparently things aren’t so sexy when the cameras aren’t rolling!
The video kicks off with a near-naked Patrick on top of a near-naked Brooklyn. The two are inches from each others faces and Brooklyn shifts around as Patrick turns around to take some direction. He apologizes to her and she replies, “No, you’re good. I was just lifting … it.”
They both can’t help but chuckle at this. Then the director yells action and they are all professional — totally into their racy sex scene!
Luckily they did some “great fu**ing,” according to the director, but they still have to do one more take. More awkwardness! Especially after Patrick asks of his character, “Do you think Stretch is a guy who tells you when he’s coming?”
Patrick is so excited about Stretch, the “insane,” star-studded, low-budget little movie that could.
“It’s like all those excessive, ’80s R-rated action comedies,” he told Collider in 2013. “I mean, it’s insane. Brooklyn Decker, Jessica Alba… we’d be doing, ‘Tonight I’m getting chased down the street by these body guards.’ ‘Oh, and we happened to get a former pro-baller from the Green Bay Packers, he’s going to be chasing you.’ And you’re like, ‘Of course, why wouldn’t we?’ [laughs] ‘Who’s there today?’ ‘Today’s David Hasselhoff.’ ‘Awesome, who’s he playing?’ ‘David Hasselhoff.’ Fantastic! It was that type of movie and it was awesome. It was so much fun. The movie was so much fun. It was insane, insane. So funny, hopefully.”
Stretch hits iTunes and Amazon on Oct. 7 and VOD on Oct. 14. HollywoodLifers, do YOU want to see Patrick and Brooklyn in this new flick? What did you think of their hilarious behind the scenes clip? Let us know!
— Tierney McAfee
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