Justin Bieber — we know you love your parents, Jeremy Bieber and Pattie Mallette, but it’s clear that you desperately need them to be your parents and not your playmates.
Here’s the deal, Justin — lots of sources are telling us that even after you were arrested for a DUI, drag racing, driving without a valid license and resisting arrest, you still don’t think you have a problem. In fact, you think you’re a victim. I’m sorry to say it, Justin, but that’s a very distorted view of your situation.
What you need right now is not another run-in with the law, nor another blemish on your once carefully burnished image, nor another blow to your fanbase.
You may think that your antics are somehow proving that you are no longer a teen star and that you’re an adult. You may think you’re getting street cred by behaving this way, but your misbehavior really just shows how young and immature you actually are.
No one who’s really an adult would vandalize a neighbor’s house by throwing eggs, or have regular raucous parties, or drag race at 4 a.m. in the middle of a residential neighborhood.
All these actions just make you look like an out-of-control punk with no adult credibility. And it also in some ways seems like a cry for attention from your parents.
Justin, you’re acting like a kid who keeps pushing the limits and waiting for his parents to react and tell him to stop. How do I know this? Because I’m a mom of four, including two boys, one 12 and one 26.
Justin, I know that you and your parents seem to think that you’re an adult because you’re 19 and you’re a superstar. But 19 is not, in the real world, an adult age. Ninety-nine percent of 19-year-olds still need a tremendous amount of parental guidance and support, and fame in itself has never been associated maturity. In actuality, fame can make you more childlike because so many people are at your beck and call to take on the responsibility that you might be assuming if you lived a normal life.
For example, when was the last time you took out the garbage, cleaned up your own kitchen, or took on a part-time job to pay your college bills while still studying to get top grades? There’s no question that you have worked extremely hard but you’ve also made a tremendous amount of money that shields you from everyday responsibilities.
The problem is that you seem to subconsciously want your parents to tell you to behave. You want them to put limits on you — and you know what? You want them to do that because you need those limits.
You need a mother or father to say that you can’t go drag racing, that you can’t smoke pot all day, that you can’t be rude to police officers, and that you can’t throw eggs at a neighbor’s house. You need a parent who takes you over to that neighbor and makes you apologize and clean up your mess, the way the average parent would do with a non-celebrity 19-year-old son.
Justin — you need parents to cut off privileges, when you misbehave. That’s what most parents do when they have a wayward 19 year old. Instead, your father was there to watch you drag race and he likes to party with you all day. And right now, you’ve got a mother who thinks she needs to let you “be independent” and make your own decisions. That would be OK if you were making good decisions, but you’re not.
Now maybe your parents don’t want to confront you and lay down the law on your behavior, because they’re financially dependent on you. I don’t know if that’s the case, but if it is, it’s really a shame. No parent should abandon their duty to their child because they’re on the child’s payroll. We’ve certainly seen how well that worked out for Lindsay Lohan.
On the other hand, it could be that your parents just don’t think you’ll listen to them. But I doubt that’s the case. You’ve always had a loving relationship with your parents and I bet that you would listen to them, even if it took repeated conversations.
Parents have a huge influence on their teenage children, and I would bet that underneath it all, you’re just waiting for the tough love that only they can give.
I don’t think that any loving parent who cares about their child should ever give up or underestimate the influence they have on them — even if they are a superstar like you, Justin.
Do you agree, HollywoodLifers? Should Justin’s parents step up their parenting and forget about being his friend? Let me know.
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— Bonnie Fuller
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