Glee revolved around the relationship between Rachel, (Lea Michele), and Finn, (Cory Monteith) — but everything changed after Cory passed away after his battle with addiction inevitably took his life on July 13 at the tender age of 31. Co-creator Ryan Murphy revealed on Oct. 18 at an event at the Paley Center that he always imagined the ending of the show — and it was a scene between Rachel and Finn. Now, in an extremely emotional excerpt from the eulogy Ryan delivered at a private memorial service for the late star, fans will be moved by the beautiful ending that Ryan always wanted for the show — and the characters.
“The ending of Glee is something I have never shared with anyone, but I always knew it. I’ve always relied on it as a source of comfort, a North Star. At the end of season 6, Lea [Michele]‘s Rachel was going to have become a big Broadway star, the role she was born to play. Finn was going to have become a teacher, settled down happily in Ohio, at peace with his choice and no longer feeling like a Lima loser. The very last line of dialogue was to be this: Rachel comes back to Ohio, fulfilled and yet not, and walks into Finn’s glee club. “What are you doing here?” he would ask. “I’m home,” she would reply. Fade out. The end.”
[hl_youtube src=”” link=”” text=”‘Glee’ Ending After Cory Monteith’s Death”]
The moving excerpt is published on both the Entertainment Weekly website and in the magazine’s special double issue, which is currently on newsstands. It is from a eulogy Ryan delivered in July 2013.
In the wake of the late actor’s death, the co-creator announced that the series would end after season six. Nothing can make up for the loss of Cory, but it’s comforting that fans can find solace in the touching ending that Ryan always envisioned for the series.
What do you think of the ending Ryan always imagined for the show?
Katrina Mitzeliotis
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