Salwa Amin & Jenelle Evans Fight — ‘Buckwild’ & ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Twitter War
The Twitter war started after Jenelle, 21, tweeted out a picture of her keys, which feature inspirational sobriety milestone keychains chronicling her recovery. But a lot of fans quickly noticed a major discrepancy — though Jenelle is happily talking about her sobriety, she just failed a court-ordered drug test on August 12 and spent two days in jail!
Fellow MTV reality star Salwa, 25, reached out to Jenelle to show support for her recovery process. Salwa tweeted to Jenelle:
I wish u nothing but the best in ur recovery. I hope 1 day ull find the freedom I have now.. But we will always be addicts.
Jenelle did not take too kindly to the tweet, responded:
I found that freedom back in Nov. of 2012, when did u quit and cold turkey? Cuz I did it all alone by myself, ask Babs.
All the meanwhile, fans interjected comments about Jenelle’s failed drug test.
Jenelle called Salwa out for trying to use her situation to cause drama. She tweeted at Salwa:
yr dumb as f***. Lol the other girls are right, always wanting that drama!
Salwa has been known to start drama, but she definitely wasn’t expecting Jenelle’s sudden snapback!
Jenelle Evans & Salwa Amin’s Twitter War Gets Vicious
The girls got really vicious with one another after their initial comments — they started hardcore dissing each other’s bodies! — and fans started picking sides — #TeamJenelle and #TeamSalwa. Their Twitter war went down for hours and even into the next day! Jenelle tried to laugh off Salwas comments, tweeting:
u r a little bit more concerned about me then i thought lol wowww.
Salwa responded to the sarcastic call-out saying, “dont f***** flatter urself hahah. Ur the least “THING” on my mind… But glad to know ur outa jail.”
Jenelle responded, “I was #JustSayin u never met me and we r both ex addicts so no need to hate or judge me.”
The whole ordeal ended abruptly on August 16 when Jenelle tweeted out, “@Buckwilds_Salwa blocked.”
What do YOU think, HollyMoms? Is Salwa just stirring the pot? Or does she seem legitimately concerned about Jenelle?
WATCH: Jenelle Evans & Mom Barbara Argue Over Her Jail Time
Get More: Teen Mom 2, Teen Mom 2, Full Episodes

— Kristine Hope Kowalski
More Jenelle Evans & Salwa Amin News:
- ‘Buckwild’ Star Salwa Amin Arrested Again For Skipping Court Date
- ‘Buckwild’ Star Salwa Amin Arrested In Drug Raid
- Jenelle Evans Back In Jail After Failing Court-Ordered Drug Test