Marilyn Manson: Pretending To Slit Your Wrists On Stage Is In Poor Taste

Marilyn Manson, after your fan Paris Jackson allegedly cut her wrists with a meat cleaver, it’s really shameful that you would mock cutting your wrists on stage. You know you are her hero, and she is in a delicate place right now.

Marilyn Manson, what is wrong with you? You were so sweet to dedicate a song to your biggest fan Paris Jackson, who was allegedly devastated that she could not attend your concert, and then you mockingly slit your wrists when you know she allegedly attempted to commit suicide? This is totally and utterly disgraceful behavior.

Marilyn Manson Slits Wrists On Stage — Mocking Paris Jackson?

Marilyn, you dedicated “Disposable Teens” — a song about a teenager who is angry with society — to Paris at your June 6 show in LA, saying “This song is for Paris Jackson,” after previously sending her a message saying: “I hope you feel better. You will be on my guest list anytime you want.”

These are two really kind gestures from you Marilyn, but then you went and ruined it!

During your performance of “Disposable Teens” you took out an array of knives to mock slitting your wrists, and I know this may be a thing that you often do during shows, but it is in such poor taste — bad timing!

Paris Jackson Allegedly Used Meat Clever To Cut Wrists

Paris allegedly tried to kill herself by cutting her wrists with a meat cleaver on June 5, and she was rushed to a hospital where she received stitches and was placed on a 72 hour psychiatric watch.

So Marilyn, why on Earth would you think it would be appropriate to mock slitting your wrists after Paris could have died from the same injury, during a song that you dedicated to her?

Paris is clearly a very sick, highly influential 15-year-old girl who worships both you and Kurt Cobain — seeing you do something like that could have a very negative effect on her. She needs nothing but support, love and the right type of care right now, not bad influences.

It was so kind of you to offer her a VIP invite to her show, and it was sweet to dedicate a song to her, but you never should have done such a controversial move.

You need to apologize immediately, because this is no joke.

What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Are you shocked that Marilyn mocked Paris?

WATCH: Marilyn Manson Reaches Out To Paris Jackson After Suicide Attempt 

— Eleanore Hutch

More Paris Jackson & Marilyn Manson News:

  1. Marilyn Manson Sends Message To Paris Jackson After Alleged Attempted Suicide
  2. Marilyn Manson Dedicates Song To Paris Jackson After Hospitalization
  3. Paris Jackson Tried To Commit Suicide Because She Couldn’t Go To Marilyn Manson Show
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